Variability of the Social Desirability Levels in Children with Psoriasis


Elvina Murzina
Yulianna Rokhletsova
Olena Yavorovska


The objective: to evaluate the level of social desirability in children with psoriasis and its correlation with personal data and clinico-epidemiological features of the dermatosis.

Materials and methods. The levels of social desirability in children 8–12 years old with psoriasis were assessed by the social desirability subscale according to the CMAS questionnaire adapted by A.M. Prikhozhan. The dependence of the social desirability levels on the child’s personal data and clinico-epidemiological characteristics of psoriasis was analysed. The study materials were statistically processed using the StatTech v. 1.2.0 software.

Results. Only 2 out of 54 children with psoriasis had a critical level of social desirability equal to 9 points, forming the average social desirability level of 3 [3.0–6.75]. In the male children, the social desirability level was more than 2 times lower than in female children (р<0.001), and in children with an increased body mass index (7 [5.0–7.0]), the levels were significantly higher than in children with a normal body mass index (3 [2.0–4.0]) (р<0.001). In two-parent families, the social desirability level was significantly lower than in single-parent families (р<0.001).

In addition, statistically significant differences between the groups with respect to the pathological process spread (р=0.002) and the clinical forms of dermatosis (р<0.001) were established. The highest level of social desirability was observed in children with psoriasis of the scalp (6.0 [5.0–7.0]). It was found that in the group of boys with psoriasis, the social desirability level had increased with the child’s age (r=0.906; p<0.001), and in the group of girls, the social desirability level was significantly higher in case of prolonged disease exacerbation (7.0 [6.0–7.0]) compared to the exacerbation lasting up to 4 weeks (3.0 [2.0–4.0]) (p=0.021).

Conclusions. In children 8-12 years old with psoriasis, social desirability level is within the normal range, but the variability in its level was found, which was depended of different factors – childs’ personal characteristics, and clinical features of the pathological process. The level of social desirability depends on the gender, body mass index and the childs’ family composition. The components of the pathological process that determine the level of social desirability in children with psoriasis at the age of 8-12 years is the severity of psoriasis, the clinical form of dermatosis and the duration of the exacerbation of psoriasis for girls.


How to Cite
Murzina, E., Rokhletsova, Y., & Yavorovska, O. (2021). Variability of the Social Desirability Levels in Children with Psoriasis. Family Medicine, (5-6), 26–37.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Elvina Murzina, P. L. Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine

Elvina О. Murzina,

Department of Dermatovenereology, Allergology, Clinical and Laboratory Immunology

Yulianna Rokhletsova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Yulianna А. Rokhletsova,

Faculty of Psychology

Olena Yavorovska, P. L. Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine

Olena О. Yavorovska,

Department of Dermatovenereology, Allergology, Clinical and Laboratory Immunology


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