Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders Chronic and Pain Syndromes: Especially Treatment


Nataliia Svyrydova


Today proved comorbidity anxiety disorders and pain, and, as the clinical practice, chronic pain can cause anxiety and depressed mood accompanied by symptomatic persistent fears. Proven important role of dopamine in changes in pain sensitivity in patients with chronic disorders of the central nervous system. The change in pain sensitivity in patients with impaired dopamine activity in different clinical conditions could have important implications outcomes severity of pain, and changes in dopamine signaling mechanisms in chronic pain an opportunity to influence treatment strategy. In recent years, along with a wide noradrenalin study and serotonin receptors in the pathogenesis of depressive disorders spectrum, set the sensitivity of dopamine receptors and considerably more pronounced prolactin response to sulpiride administration in depression. Sulpiride belongs to a group of atypical neuroleptics and so in the early years of clinical study, most research has been directed to determine its effectiveness in psychotic disorders. Accumulation of current clinical data revealed wide spectrum efficiency sulpiride and its important differences from the classical neuroleptics.


How to Cite
Svyrydova, N. (2016). Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders Chronic and Pain Syndromes: Especially Treatment. Family Medicine, (6), 108–111.
Neurology. Psychiatry
Author Biography

Nataliia Svyrydova, P. L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Natalia K. Svyrydova,

Head of Department of Neurology and Reflexology


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