Interrelation Between Disorder of Melatonin-forming Function of Epiphysis and Dyslipidemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease of V Stage Treated by Hemodialysis


В. Є. Кондратюк
А. С. Петрова
О. В. Карпенко
Т. Г. Осташевська
Е. К. Красюк


The results of a number of studies have proved the relationship between the functional state of the pineal gland and renal function. However, violations of the melatonin-forming function of the epiphysis (MFE) in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing hemodialysis (HD) and its relationship with dyslipidemia in this patient population is a poorly understood issue.

The objective: to analyze disorders of MFE and blood lipid spectrum in patients with CKD of 5 stage treated with HD and to determine the relationship of epiphysis dysfunction with dyslipidemia.

Materials and methods. 130 people (50% of men) aged 58.5 were surveyed [43; 66] which are on permanent hemodialysis treatment. Control passed 20 healthy individuals. The determination of day and night level of melatonin (MT) in saliva was conducted, based on the level of which patients (treated with HD) were divided into two groups: group I – 110 patients with impaired MFE, group II – 20 patients with normal MFE. Clinical and laboratory researches were carried out for all patients: general and biochemical analyzes of blood with determination of cholesterol level and its fractions, measurements of office blood pressure (BP) were made.

Results. Significant prevalence of MFE disorders in patients with CKD of 5 stage treated with hemodialysis and its relationship with blood lipid spectrum were found. The level of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) in patients with impaired MFE was higher by 26.4 % (p<0.05), 16.7 % (p<0.05) and 22,6 % (p= 0.03) according to the outcome of the comparison group patients. The level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) of the main group is lower by 11.8 % compared to the group with preserved MFE. The data obtained indicate the relationship of MFE disorders with the duration of RRT treatment, the duration of arterial hypertension, the age of patients, and their effect on the lipid spectrum of patients with CKD of 5 stage treated with hemodialysis. Night feedback correlation of MT with TC level was established (r=–0.256; p<0.05). Correlation analysis confirms that a decrease in MT at night is combined with an increase of TG level (r=–0.272; p<0.05) in the blood of patients. The feedback correlation of night (r=–0.347; p=0.03) and daytime level (r=–0.198; p<0.05) of MT with LDL level and positive relationships between MT in daytime (r=0.27; p=0.03) and the night period (r=0.331; p=0.02) with HDL levels.

Conclusion. For patients with CKD of 5 stage undergoing hemodialysis, there is a frequent violation of MFE (84.6%) and significant disorders of lipid metabolism (58%). Analysis of the lipid metabolism study revealed more profound abnormalities in the form of an increased concentration of TC and all its fractions in patients with impaired MFE, which may indicate a connection between epiphysis dysfunction and lipid metabolism in patients with RRT. In patients with hemodialysis, melatonin-forming dysfunction and disorders of lipid metabolism are age-dependent and are determined by the duration of RRT, the duration of hypertension, the level of hemoglobin. We have identified a relationship between the deterioration of lipid metabolism on the background of deeper disturbance of MFE by daytime and nighttime MT.


How to Cite
Кондратюк, В. Є., Петрова, А. С., Карпенко, О. В., Осташевська, Т. Г., & Красюк, Е. К. (2020). Interrelation Between Disorder of Melatonin-forming Function of Epiphysis and Dyslipidemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease of V Stage Treated by Hemodialysis. Family Medicine, (1-2), 112–120.
Internal diseases
Author Biographies

В. Є. Кондратюк, Bogomolets National Medical University

Vitalii Ye. Kondratiuk,

Head of Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine No 2

А. С. Петрова, Bogomolets National Medical University

Anna S. Petrova,

Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine No 2

О. В. Карпенко, Bogomolets National Medical University

Olena V. Karpenko,

Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine No 2

Т. Г. Осташевська, Bogomolets National Medical University

Tetiana H. Ostashevska,

Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine No 2

Е. К. Красюк, Bogomolets National Medical University

Eduard K. Krasiuk,

Department of Therapy, Infectious Disease and Dermatology Postgraduate Education


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