The Possible Ways of Correction of Some Systemic Inflammation Indices During Combination Treatment of the Patients with Hypertensive Disease in Comorbidity Conditions


Ю. Г. Бурмак
Є. Є. Петров
С. І. Треумова
Т. А. Іваницька
Т. В. Козленко


The objective: was to study and analyze influence of combination treatment with using of nitrogen oxide donator and selenium-containing drug upon dynamics of the change of some systemic inflammation indices in the patients with hypertensive disease (HD) and comorbid duodenal peptic ulcer (DPU).

Materials and methods. The results of the treatment of 40 males and 29 females with HD of the II stage and comorbid DPU (the mean age was 44,4±2,8 years) were analyzed; 32 of them were standard treated, and 37 of them used additionally combination of tivortine aspartate and selenium active. The content of blood serum cytokines (Ck) (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-10) by immunoenzyme method, the content of diene conjugates (DK), malondialdehyde (MDA), total content of nitrogen oxide metabolites (NOХ) in blood serum and ristomycin-induced platelet aggregation (RIPA) by means of spectrophotometry were studied before treatment and in one month of the treatment.

Results. The analysis of systemic inflammation indices during initial study established an increase of pro-inflammatory blood serum activity, caused by high content of pro-inflammatory Ck (TNFα, IL-1β) mainly, in conditions of oxidative stress (increase of DK, MDA), endothelial dysfunction (decrease of NOХ) and increase marker of thrombogenic risk (RIPA). Negative correlation relationship between pro-inflammatory Ck and NOХ, NOХ and RIPA and positive correlation relationship between pro-inflammatory Ck and RIPA was established. It is fact significative of their community in the formation mechanisms of revealed disorders. The comparison of obtained results after treatment established significant decrease of intensity of Ck imbalance (TNFα/IL-10, IL-1β/IL-10) mainly due to decrease of TNFα and IL-1β, decrease of lipoperoxidation activity, increase of nitrogen oxide metabolism and decrease of ristomycin-induced platelet aggregation. Besides, positive dynamics of decrease of chronic systemic inflammation indices was more significant in the patients with combination treatment.

Conclusion. Carried out study established significant increase of chronic systemic inflammation markers in the patients with HD and comorbid DPU. Besides, significant dynamics of their decrease was noted in case of including of combination of nitrogen oxide donator and selenium-containing drug in the treatment.


How to Cite
Бурмак, Ю. Г., Петров, Є. Є., Треумова, С. І., Іваницька, Т. А., & Козленко, Т. В. (2019). The Possible Ways of Correction of Some Systemic Inflammation Indices During Combination Treatment of the Patients with Hypertensive Disease in Comorbidity Conditions. Family Medicine, (4), 65–68.
Author Biographies

Ю. Г. Бурмак, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

Yurii G. Burmak,

Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine with Patient Care, General Practice (Family Medicine)

Є. Є. Петров, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

Yevhen Ye. Petrov,

Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine with Patient Care, General Practice (Family Medicine)

С. І. Треумова, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

Svitlana I. Treumova,

Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine with Patient Care, General Practice (Family Medicine)

Т. А. Іваницька, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

Tetiana A. Ivanitskaya,

Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine with Patient Care, General Practice (Family Medicine)

Т. В. Козленко, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

Tetiana V. Kozlenko,

Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine with Patient Care, General Practice (Family Medicine)


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