Correction of neurogumoral and psycho-emotional disorders in patients with stable coronary artery disease and arterial hypertension: adaptation possibilities of Noofen®
The objective: study the efficacy and tolerability of Noofen® in the standard treatment of patients with stable forms of coronary artery disease (CAD) in combination with arterial hypertension (AH) based on the analysis of the dynamics of their clinical course, daily blood pressure (BP) monitoring (DBPM) and daily cortisol levels.
Materials and methods. The study involved 58 patients with stable CAD and AH with a mean age of 59,4±2,05 years. Group І – patients received standard therapy AH + CAD, II – patients, who received Noofen® (Olainfarm, Latvia) on the background of standard treatment at 250 mg three times a day. At the beginning of the study and after 12 weeks, all patients were followed by DBPM; assessed the psychoemotional status of the HADS screening scales of anxiety and depression and the Spielberg-Hanin test; determined the presence of cognitive disorders using the Luria, MMSE and FAB tests; determined the level of daily cortisol and the main indicators of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
Results. Most patients with stable forms of CAD and AH, in which anxiety-depressive disorders (ADD) were detected, generally did not achieve optimal control of the basic parameters of BP. The use of Noofen® in the complex treatment of patients with stable CAD and AH with detectable ADD for 12 weeks is accompanied by a significant reduction in their manifestations of anxiety and depression, improvement of level of daily cortisol and control of the average levels of daily, day and night BP, correction of circadian rhythm BP and decrease in the variability of BP associated with the manifestations of ADD.
Conclusions. The use of Noofen® in the complex of CAD and AH therapy will increase the adaptive properties of the body and reduce the development of undesirable cardiovascular events in patients with concomitant ADD.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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