Results of program used for intracytoplasmic sperm injection inJvitro fertilization


Ю. М. Гурженко
А. О. Куценко


The work presents the analysis of the effective method for intracystoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in the extra corporal fertilization. The study included 180 couples with male infertility factor who had received medical aid in the Institute of Reproductive Medicine (Kyiv) during 2013–2015. The diagnoses were verified, the patients were examined in accordance with the clinical protocols. The ICSI procedure was performed by the common methods. Before the start, the women underwent the course of controlled ovarian stimulation according to the well known classic protocol. The received data were considered taking into account the type of pathospermia (oligoasthenozoospermia, obstructive and non1obstructive azoospermia). As a result of two cycles, the biochemical pregnancy was noted in 97 out of 180 couples (53,9%). But, after the reproductive losses which were the highest between men with non1obstructive azoospermia (14,3% versus 4,5%), the child birth reached 92 (51,1±3,7%), along with group with oligoasthenozoospermia – in 65 out of 120 (54,2±4,5%), obstructive azoospermia in 2out of 38 (55,3±7,5%), non1obstructive – in 6 out of 22 (27,3±9,0%); the last value was statistically less. This information testifies to the necessity to look for the elevation of the ICSI effectiveness. Nowadays, the most actual in this aspect is considered the improvement of selection criteria for including into the program, with this – the decisive importance belongs to the study of risk factors spectrum which would assure the personified approach to solve the problem.


How to Cite
Гурженко, Ю. М., & Куценко, А. О. (2016). Results of program used for intracytoplasmic sperm injection inJvitro fertilization. Family Medicine, (3(65), 55–60.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Ю. М. Гурженко, ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України», м. Київ

Yu.N. Gurzhenko

А. О. Куценко, Національна медична академія післядипломної освіти імені П.Л. Шупика, м. Київ

А.О. Кutsenko


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