Condition Factors of Systemic Inflammatory Response and Monospacing Homeostasis in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease with Normaliens and Intestinal Dysbiosis
The aim of the research: assessment of monospacing homeostasis in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) depending on the state of intestinal biocenosis.
Materials and methods. There were examined 145 patients, who were divided into three groups. The control group included 20 practically healthy persons with normal intestinal biocenosis. The comparison group consisted of 23 patients with ischemic heart disease, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, chronic heart failure (CHF) II functional class (FC) (NYHA), without signs of intestinal dysbiosis. The main group included 102 patients with CHD and postinfarction cardiosclerosis, chronic heart failure II FC and intestinal dysbiosis of 11st and 21nd degrees. Patients in all groups were comparable for age and sex. Was used the anthropometric, clinical, biochemical, immunoassay, enzymatic methods.
Results. It was found that the presence of intestinal dysbiosis is associated with more pronounced activation of the systemic inflammatory response and humoral immune response in large decreases of the activity of the cellular component of the immune system and phagocytic function of neutrophils.
Conclusion. The results of the study demonstrated more distinct changes in monospacing homeostasis in CHD patients in conditions associated DB intestine compared monosplines status of CHD patients with normaliens the intestine.

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