Spine Artery Dissection as Another Puzzle of Covid-19 (Clinical case)


Lyudmila Khimion
Liliia Tymoshchuk
Oksana Ripolovska
Olha Chernyak
Olena Ivanchenko
Iryna Urupa


The article is devoted to the analysis of a clinical case of the development of vertebral artery (PA) dissection and acute cerebrovascular accident in a young patient as a part of the clinical picture of COVID-19. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new infectious disease, the pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical manifestations of which are still being studied. One of the infrequent but potentially fatal complications of the disease is the development of thrombotic complications: the cause of which, in some cases, is the arteries dissection. Among the various prothrombotic conditions, dissection can be one of the many manifestations that increase the risk of stroke.

The objective: to describe the interconnection between the new coronavirus disease and development of the prothrombotic states, in particular – spine artery dissection, at the example of the real clinical case.

Materials and methods. The analyze of the modern scientific sources concerning thrombotic complications of COVID-19 and clinical case of the coronavirus disease debut with the vertebrobasilar ischemic stroke symptoms and vertebral artery dissection is given.

Results. The results of a few observations published in the scientific medical literature about the relationship of acute SARSCov-2 infection with the development of dissection of the vertebral artery and acute ischemic brain damage are confirmed.

Conclusion. SARS-CoV-2 increases risk of the thrombotic states development, in particular – strokes and arterial dissections, including patients of young age, and it is confirmed by the given clinical case and analyze of the scientific publications.


How to Cite
Khimion, L., Tymoshchuk, L., Ripolovska, O., Chernyak, O., Ivanchenko, O., & Urupa, I. (2021). Spine Artery Dissection as Another Puzzle of Covid-19 (Clinical case). Family Medicine, (4), 62–67. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.4.2021.249420
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Lyudmila Khimion, P. L. Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine

Liudmyla V. Khimion,

Department of Family Medicine

Liliia Tymoshchuk, P. L. Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital

Liliia S. Tymoshchuk,

Department of Family Medicine at the P. L. Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine,

Ultrasound Department at the Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital

Oksana Ripolovska, Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital

Oksana V. Ripolovska

Olha Chernyak, Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital

Olha S. Chernyak,

Head of Ultrasound Department

Olena Ivanchenko, Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital

Olena O. Ivanchenko

Iryna Urupa, Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital

Iryna P. Urupa,

Ultrasound Department


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