Evidence Based Medical Prevention: International Experience


Olha Puzanovа


The objective: was to study the international experience of evidence based preventive medicine development as well as to estimate its perspectives in Ukraine.

Patients and methods. Main principles and methods of scientific knowledge and research have been used including universal ones, methods of systemic approach, quantitative and qualitative information analysis, classification and systematization of theoretical and empirical data, hystorical and logical methods, health statistics as well). In total 529 scientific information sources have been studied, particularly a number of evidence based medicine (EBM) computer databases, special task forces recommendations and Cochrane reviews on prevention, Register of medical and technological documents for health care standards in Ukraine et al.

Results. The contribution of foreign scientific schools in the development of EBM has been determined, as well as the crucial role of scientific works carried out in the US and Great Britain in 1930–80s as to the development of evidence based preventive medicine. The international experience of the development and functioning of evidence based practice centers’ and special task forces on prevention has been summarized, as the experience of the development and implementation of recommendations on prevention in primary health care (PHC) in high income countries acceptable for Ukraine. The concept of evidence based prevention has been first proposed. It is revealed, that EBM implementation in Europe has been prioritized in both the field of infectious diseases prevention and PHC, while there are both the development of differentiated evidence based prevention and early evidence based diagnosis in PHC in the US.

Conclusion. The results proved importance of taking into consideration of international experience while evidence based PHC is being developed as a priority in Ukraine.


How to Cite
Puzanovа O. (2016). Evidence Based Medical Prevention: International Experience. Family Medicine, (6), 34–37. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.6.2016.249037
Topical issues
Author Biography

Olha Puzanovа, Bogomolets National Medical University

Olha H. Puzanovа,

Department of Internal Medicine No 3


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