Clinical Status and Lipid Metabolism Disorder and Antioxidant Protection in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Depending on the State of Intestinal Biocenosis
The aim of the research: comparative study of parameters of lipid metabolism, products of lipid peroxidation and levels of antioxidant enzymes in patients with coronary heart disease with intestinal normobiocenosis and intestinal dysbiosis (DB) 1st and 2nd degree.
Materials and methods. The study involved 145 patients aged from 50 to 65 years, 29 (20%) of them were women. The control group (1st group) included 20 apparently healthy individuals with intestinal normobiocenosis. The comparison group (2nd group) consisted of 23 patients with coronary heart disease, postinfarct cardiosclerosis, chronic heart failure (CHF) the II functional class (FC) (NYHA), without signs of intestinal DB. The intervention group (3rd group) included 102 CHD patients with postinfarct cardiosclerosis, CHF the II FC and intestinal dysbiosis 1-st and 2-nd degree. Patients in all groups were comparable for age and sex.
Results. The study revealed that the presence of intestinal DB in CHD patients with CHF the II FC was associated with greater 1.5 times the frequency of angina attacks, with a greater 1.4 times frequency reduction of physical activity, with a longer history of CHD and more common burdened by CHD heredity. Patients with CHD with intestinal DB occur in more profound lipid disorders than patients without any signs of impaired intestinal biocenosis.
Conclusion. The presence of the initial stages of intestinal biocenosis disorders is associated with high levels of malondialdehyde in blood, diene conjugate, total cholesterol, cholesterol of low-density lipoproteins, atherogenic coefficient and significantly lower blood levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase in comparison with similar indicators in CHD patients with intestinal normobiocenosis.

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