Cardiac and Psycho-vegetative Abnormalities During Menopause Period and the Ways for Their Therapeutic Correction


Ivan Katerenchuk


The objective: to study the features of cardiac and autonomic symptoms in women in climacteric period and determination of the effectiveness of Maksipim in the correction of violations.

Patients and methods. There were examined 62 patients perimenopausal and postmenopausal period of life between the ages from 48 to 67 years (average age of 51.2±7,42 years). Women in the control group (n=32) received conventional therapy according to the standards (nitrates, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, statins). Women of the controlled group (n=30) on the background of basic therapy were receiving additional Maksipim (STADA, Germany) (active substance 3-hydroxy-6-methyl-2-ethylpyridine succinate) for 5 ml intravenously once a day, 5 injections, then oraly 1 tablet (0.125 g) 3 times a day for 1 month.

Results. The results of these studies showed that menopause lipid disorders, clinical manifestations of angina, presence of hypertension and psycho-vegetative disorders.

Conclusion. Application in complex therapy of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) combined with arterial hypertension in the menopausal period of the drug Maksipim, helps normalize lipid metabolism, reduce the clinical manifestations of CHD, decrease of blood pressure. Concurrent use Maksipim helps to eliminate manifestations of somatic vegetative and psycho-vegetative disorders, which favorably affects the quality of patients’ life.


How to Cite
Katerenchuk, I. (2016). Cardiac and Psycho-vegetative Abnormalities During Menopause Period and the Ways for Their Therapeutic Correction. Family Medicine, (5), 36–40.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

Ivan Katerenchuk, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy

Ivan P. Katerenchuk,

Head of Department of Internal Medicine No 2


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