Pain Syndrome, Markers of Bone Metabolism in Patients with Osteoarthritis, Approaches to Drug Therapy and the Impact of Obesity
The objective: to assess the nature of pain in patients with osteoarthritis, the impact of obesity on the clinical efficacy of treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) and dynamics of bone metabolism markers.
Patients and methods. The research included 150 patients with OA, who were divided into two groups, according to the receiving therapy. Patients of the main group – received diacerein (drug «Flexirin» PC «Kyiv Vitamin Factory») and patients of control group – received only nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Results. The prevalence of neuropathic pain component in patients with OA was 64,7%, among which 80,7% use NSAIDs as an analgesic therapy. Obesity in patients with OA was associated with significantly higher levels of pain from the side of knee joints and higher degree of stiffness according to WOMAC index. The results of the study demonstrated a direct moderate correlation (R = 0,49; p = 0,04) between PICP level and the severity of pain at physical load from the side of hands and hip joints. The therapy by diacerein within 3 months resulted in a reliable decrease of pain syndrome intensity from the side of all articular zones, unlike to isolated NSAIDs use, where a reliable analgesic effect was demonstrated only from the side of knee joints. Obesity in patients with OA led to a significant decrease in clinical efficacy of therapy in point of functional status of the joints.
Conclusions. Neuropathic pain is quite common among patients with OA, which at the same time is associated with the lack of patient’s awareness about possible risks during NSAID’s use. Medical treatment by diacerein (drug “Flexirin”) causes stability of osteocalcin level, in contrast to the isolated NSAIDs use, where priority changes have been demonstrated against osteocalcin level decrease. The use of diacerein also resulted to additional positive effects from the side of zonal prevalence of analgesic effect and improving of functional ability of joints. Obesity in patients with OA was associated with a reliable increase of pain level intensity from the side of knee joints and the higher degree of functional limitation, causing at the same time, reduction of clinical efficacy of therapy in point of achieving analgesic effect and improving functional ability of joints.

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