Urinary Tract Infection in Adults: Ways of Optimization of Complex Therapy
The aim of the research: to study the efficacy of using Solidagoren in the complex treatment of the urinary tract infection (UTI).
Materials and methods. The study involved patients (n=51) aged from 18 to 65 years. All patients were verified UTI. The patients were divided into two groups: the main group (n=30) were prescribed an antibacterial drug in combination with medicinal herbal remedies Solidagoren; comparison group (n=21) who underwent only antibacterial therapy. The patient group was representative in terms of demographic indicators, nosology of UTI, course of the disease before the study began. The duration of antibiotics depended on the clinical variant of UTI and the dynamics of the main clinical and laboratory parameters. The duration of treatment with the help of Solidagoren was 30 days for all patients.
Clinical studies, complaints, data of objective status were assessed in dynamics three times: at the beginning of treatment, on the 4-th to 7-th day and on the 30-th day of observation. Bacteriological examination of urine was performed twice before treatment and on 17-20 day. Evaluation of the overall clinical efficacy was performed according to the dynamics of subjective and objective criteria for each patient.
Results. According to the results of microbiological study the pathogenic bacteria identified in 100% of cases. Only 57 selected strains of conditionally pathogenic aerobic bacteria: in 45 patients in the form of monoculture, 6 patients in the form of microbe associations. Among the isolated strains, more than 70% were gram1negative bacteria, dominated by Escherichia coli (56,14%). Gram1positive cocks in the structure of pathogens of UTI were around 30%.
It was found that patients in the comparison group normalization of laboratory values (leukocytosis, proteinuria, leukocyturia) were significantly slower than in the main group. Patients of the main group with symptoms such as lower back pain, dysuria, loss of appetite, weakness, already after 4-7 days of treatment bothered much less and this trend was observed for further observation. Eradication of the pathogen detected in 26 (86,7%) patients of the main group and only in 11 (52,3%) patients of the control group. Not established negative influence of the drug Solidagoren to the level of GFR.
Conclusion. The results of the study found that the use of the drug Solidaire in the treatment of UTI has a positive influence on dynamics of clinical and laboratory parameters, was well tolerated, promotes rapid eradication of pathogens UTI.

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