Adverse Drug Reactions: Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Preventive Care Patterns
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) initiate about 3,5% of hospitalization, quite often it results in fatal outcome and causes significant economic damage.
The objective: was to provide insight into the latest literature data in terms of morbidity, risk factors and perspective ways of prophylactic measures of ADRs.
On the outpatient treatment stage unpredictable ADRs occur on the average of 2,0%, on the inpatient one – in 10,1% of all patients. In most cases, serious ADRs have been induced by antithrombotic agents, non-steroidal anti1inflammatory drugs and drugs for treatment cardiovascular system; in developing countries ADRs have been most commonly initiated by antiretroviral and tuberculosis drugs. Among the main causes of ADRs in children, on the first place – is vaccination, it has been often noted ADRs under the medication with antitumor drugs and antibiotics. Serious ADRs are typically induced by administration of paracetamol, asparaginase and ibuprofen. Among the main risk factors in development of ADRs are: elderly age, female sex, comorbidity, polypragmasy, severity of patients’ condition, self-treatment, genetic predisposition to allergic reactions and pharmacokinetic changes. Since nearly half of all ADRs may be prevented, the great significance has acquired awareness of medical staff, pharmacists, patients regarding to risk factors of pharmacotherapies’ complications, diagnostics and timely reporting about ADRs, personalized therapy. Under the special control should be elderly patients, young childs, pregnant women, patients receiving 5 and more drugs, patients with heart failure and impaired function of liver and kidneys. It is necessary to provide extensive studies of pharmacogenetics, especially in patients of group risk.
Development of awareness and skills in management of risk progression of ADRs among physicians, pharmacists, patients and their representatives is an essential part of preserving patients’ lives and health, increasing their compliance to medical therapy, and consequently, its efficacy.

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