The Experience of Primary Health Care Specialists in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Taras Gavrish
Nataliia Chaplynska
Maryna Ostrovskaya
Khrystyna Simchich


Primary health care plays an important role in the fight against COVID-19 in Ukraine.

The objective: is to analyze the activities of primary health care centers in the context of a coronavirus pandemic.

Materials and methods. An analysis of the work of the Municipal non-profit company «Center for Primary Health Care of the Yamnitsa Village Council» from March 2020 to February 2021 was carried out.

Results. Since March 2020, methods for diagnosing coronavirus disease have been actively introduced: PCR tests, rapid tests for detecting COVID antigen and detecting antibodies to coronavirus. Information on the number of PCR (+) patients, the number of suspicions, the number of patients who recovered, died are reported in the Internet resources of the community. A significant increase in the incidence of coronavirus infection in the Yamnitsa united territorial community was noted in October-November 2020 and in February 2021. Since the start of the pandemic in March 2021, 8 residents of the community have died from COVID-19.

Treatment of patients with mild and moderate-severe forms of coronavirus disease is carried out on an outpatient basis. For such needs 5 oxygen concentrators for oxygen support of patients in day hospitals of outpatient clinics or FAPs were purchased from funds the local budget. This became relevant in the context of a sharp limitation of beds in hospitals in the region.

Two sets of IDIS2GO telemedicine equipment were purchased at the expense of a targeted state subvention. Telemedical consultations regarding the tactics of managing patients with coronavirus disease and pneumonia are carried out with the pulmonologists of the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of postgraduate education of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. This allows to limit contacts, save time for the patient and the doctor, and maintain the quality and speed of medical care.

Соnclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the routine of primary care physicians. The load and the risk of infection have increased, but the reform system has not stopped, the experience has been enriched, the possibilities for providing assistance, and the introduction of information technologies have expanded.


How to Cite
Gavrish, T., Chaplynska, N., Ostrovskaya, M., & Simchich, K. (2021). The Experience of Primary Health Care Specialists in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Family Medicine, (2-3), 53–55.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Taras Gavrish, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Taras Yu. Gavrish,

Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of Postdiploma Education

Nataliia Chaplynska, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Nataliia V. Chaplynska,

Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of Postdiploma Education

Maryna Ostrovskaya, Primary Health Care Center of Yamnytsia Village Council, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Maryna M. Ostrovskaya,

Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of Postdiploma Education at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Khrystyna Simchich, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Khrystyna S. Simchich,

Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of Postdiploma Education


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