Doctor’s Transformational Leadership
Leadership is a current management concept, including change management which presupposes not a job level but an authority level. The current times see leadership to be not somebody’s special feature. Today each employee can be a leader or have such feeling and be a role model in his/her sphere. Leadership is an important socio-personal competence because it includes both a component of social influence and a personal resource allowing a person to take on a leadership role.
Transformational leadership is directed to individual relations formed between the leader and each follower separately. It includes some leader’s basic behavior features as worker’s hobbies promotion, supporting and self-esteem growth, creativity stimulation, comfort zone destruction, the will to team goals changes.
The study involved 40 doctors. All participants were offered a multidisciplinary questionnaire by Bass–Avolio, which allows you to assess the characteristics of the individual in relation to leadership. This questionnaire includes 21 transformational and transactional leader’s characteristics statements. Doctors have estimated leadership factors really high. Meanwhile, our doctors have demonstrated a mismatch between transformational and transactional leadership characteristics and have to continue further leader sip learning.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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