Clinical-instrumental Characteristic of the Combined Course of Chronic Gastroduodenitis and Primary Arterial Hypertension in Children
The objective: to provide clinical and instrumental characteristic of the combined course of chronic gastroduodenitis (CGD) and primary arterial hypertension (PAH) in children.
Materials and methods. We examined 154 children: group I – 47 children with a combination of CGD and PAH; group II – 52 children with isolated PAH; group III – 55 children with CGD and normal blood pressure.
Results. Children of group I compared with group III had nausea (p=0,046) and gastric heaviness (p=0,04) more often. Children of group I more often than in children of group II (p=0,04) and group III (p=0,02) troubled by increased fatigue. Dizziness (p=0,001), palpitations (p=0,04), and cardialgia (p=0,04) were observed more frequently s group I compared to group III. On ECG sinus tachycardia was in 40,4 % of children in group I compared with 21,2 % of children ingroup II (p=0,04) and 7,3 % of children in group III (р<0,001). The voltage in group I was 29,2±1,0 mV compared to 28,9±1,2 mV in group II (p=0,85) and 25,8±1,2 mV in group III (p=0,04). By DMBP, in group I there was a tendency for higher average daily systolic blood pressure (SBP) (142,1±1,7 mm Hg and 137.8±1.4 mm Hg; p=0,05) and significantly lower diastolic blood pressure (DBP) indicators (70,7±1,1 mm Hg and 74,3±1,3 mmHg; p=0,03) compared with the group II.
Conclusions. Children with combination of CGD and PAH compared with the isolated course of CGD and PAH are more common dyspeptic syndrome, signs of chronic nonspecific intoxication, tachycardia and signs of high hemodynamic load on the ECG.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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