Approaches to Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Dyslipidemia
Timely and active treatment of patients with risk factors and clinically expressed diseases of the cardiovascular system is one of the priorities of modern medicine. Correction of lipid metabolism disorders has become one of the strategic directions. Dyslipidemia is one of the key factors in the progression of atherosclerosis. Currently, the possibilities of using therapy, which is aimed at lowering lipid levels, have significantly expanded. It is recommended not only to patients with clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, but also to patients without them, with a high risk of its development. Recently, more and more scientists have been attracting by plant stanols.
The objective: study was to assess the effect of Cholestol® on lipid metabolism in patients with dyslipidemia with a moderate risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Materials and methods. 43 patients with stage 1–2 stage of the arterial hypertension with a moderate risk of CVD were examined (total risk according to the SCORE scale (Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation) ≥1 and <5%)), who had a standard general clinical examination with an assessment of risk factors for development CVD and indicators of lipid and carbohydrate profiles, and also body composition. Patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 – comparison group, n=15 and group 2 – main, n=28. All patients were advised to adhere diet and physical activity according to European recommendations. Additionally, patients of group 2 were prescribed Nutraceutical Cholestol®, 1 tablet of which contains 400 mg of phytosterol (80% beta-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol), 40 mg of L-methionine, and 5 mg of policosanol 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals. Repeated examination was carried out after 3 months.
Results. Patients of the main group were significantly more likely to have burdened heredity in CVD; they had a significantly higher level of blood pressure, p = 0.0001. After a 3-month observation by anthropometric indicators, there were no significant changes in the comparison group, except for the body mass index (BMI), which may be due to compliance with dietary and physical activity recommendations in patients of this group. Patients who took Cholestol® additionally showed a significant decrease in BMI and visceral fat by 13,5% (p<0.05). The positive effect of Cholestol® on lipid metabolism was important: a significant decrease in the level of cholesterol (16%; p<0,05), LDL-C (28,5%; p<0,05) and TG (19,0%, p <0 , 05). From the side of indicators of the functional state of the liver, there were no negative changes, which is evidence that the use of Cholestol® is safe.
Conclusions. It is advisable to prescribe Cholestol®, the components of which have a proven lipid-lowering effect, for patients with a low and moderate risk of cardiovascular disease. Its use is not accompanied by any side effects during the treatment.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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