International Collaboration with the World Organization of Family Physicians WONCA. Women’s Family Medicine Party - WONCA Working Party on Women and Family Medicine (WWPWFM)


В. І. Ткаченко


The World Organization of Family Doctors WONCA founded in 1972, it has a number of working groups (parties) in various fields, including WONCA Working Party on Women and Family Medicine (WWPWFM), the Young Doctors Movement, and special clinical interest groups. Working groups (parties) are involved in the development of constituent and recommendation documents in specific areas of general practicefamily medicine.

The objective: is to highlight the results of the international collaboration with WONCA and the activities in WWPWFM.

Materials and methods. Performed analysis of constituent and recommendation documents, own activities, observations and participation in WONCA programs, projects and its working groups.

Results. The article presents the results of international activities as a leader of the European Region of WWPWFM (leader – Prof. Tkachenko V.I., Ukraine), collaboration with WONCA Europe Council, participation in Council meetings, participation in events, organization and conduction of WONCA Europe 2019 as a speaker, moderator of workshops and chair of some sessions, reviewer of conferences. Two workshops, 2 oral and 3 poster reports were conducted in 2019. The main keynote lectures of the conference 2019 are covered. The results and directions of cooperation with the WONCA Working Groups on Rural Family Medicine EURIPA, Violence, the Vasco da Gama Movement, participation in EGPRN and EURACT projects are presented.

Conclusions. The results of international cooperation with WONCA and activities in WWPWFM allowed to receive the most up-to-date information on achievements and prospects of family medicine development, gender issues, take measures to improve the quality of training, research, gender equality and create partnership programs and cooperation with foreign specialists, to strength the role of Ukraine at the global level.


How to Cite
Ткаченко, В. І. (2019). International Collaboration with the World Organization of Family Physicians WONCA. Women’s Family Medicine Party - WONCA Working Party on Women and Family Medicine (WWPWFM). Family Medicine, (4), 14–19.
News. Events
Author Biography

В. І. Ткаченко, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Viktoriia I. Tkachenko,

Department of Family Medicine


Ткаченко В.І. Первичная медицинская помощь в будущем – профессиональное совершенствование (по результатам 22-й Всемирной конференции Wonca World, Сеул, Южная Корея, 17–21.10.2018) // Сімейна медицина. – 2018. – № 6. – С. 18–23.