The effectiveness of the use of herbal drugs in the complex treatment of patients with acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis


О. Б. Унгурян


The objective: to study the effect of herbal medicine Canephron ® N in the treatment of patients with uncomplicated pyelonephritis and to prevent the recurrence of infectious and inflammatory complications.

Materials and methods. 73 patients with uncomplicated pyelonephritis were examined on the basis of the city clinical hospital of emergency and emergency medical care in Zaporozhye (urology department). The method of random distribution of patients were divided into two groups. The control group included 36 patients, the main group included 37 patients with uncomplicated pyelonephritis. The control group of patients received a comprehensive anti-inflammatory therapy. The main group received anti-inflammatory complex therapy and the herbal preparation Canephron ® N, 2 tablets 3 times a day, starting from the first day of hospital stay. According to the protocol for the treatment of this pathology, all patients underwent a standard examination, which included clinical and laboratory examination, ultrasound, and radiographic examinations.

Results. In the control group, a decrease in the infectious-inflammatory process after treatment was observed for 12.5 days. Relapse of pyelonephritis after discharge from the hospital was recorded in 47.2% of patients for a year. In the main group, a decrease in the infectious- inflammatory process after discharge from the hospital and a comprehensive anti-inflammatory therapy with herbal medicine Canephron® H was observed on the seventh day. Recurrence of pyelonephritis during the year after discharge from the hospital was observed in 24.3% of patients.

Conclusion: The prescription of herbal medicine Canephron ® N, in addition to complex anti-inflammatory therapy, reduces the risk of relapse of infectious and inflammatory complications by half, which is caused by diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.


How to Cite
Унгурян, О. Б. (2019). The effectiveness of the use of herbal drugs in the complex treatment of patients with acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis. Family Medicine, (3), 86–88.
Internal diseases
Author Biography

О. Б. Унгурян, Запорізька міська лікарня екстреної медицини та швидкої допомоги

O. Unguryan


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