С-reactive Protein and Its Role in Pathogenesis of Heart Disorders (Literature Review and Own Data)
C-reactive protein is a criterion of inflammation and a significant marker of cardiovascular risk.
The objective: to estimate condition of problem of CRP usage according to the literature and own data.
Matherials and methods. We held a literature review in Pubmed database and domestic sources. We also analyzed data of 75 patients with hemorrhagic vasculitis, divided into groups according to gallbladder (GB) condition. Data was processed using Statistica 6.0 software.
Results. CRP was crystallized in 1947 by Maclyn McCarty, who proposed to use it for control of rheumatism course. CRP is a nonspecific acute phase protein, which is synthesized in liver during inflammation. Main function of CRP is to eliminate pathogens and endotoxins. CRP level can vary between <1,0 mg/L and 1000 times bigger values. CRP is studied as a marker of infection, inflammation and tissue damage in ischemic heart disease, stroke, cognitive disorders, cardiovascular death. High level of CRP is associated with increase of caediovascular morbidity and mortality. In our patients with hemorrhagic vasculitis mean level CRP was 7,51±1,22 mg/L, which is almost twice bigger than the normal values. This can suggest a high cardiovascular risk. CRP level was maximal in cholelithiasis and cholecystectomy groups. Independently of GB condition CRP correlated with left atrium size and acute phase parameters of blood.
Conclusions. According to the literature, CRP eliminates pathogens, endotoxins, necrotized cells. In patients with hemorrhagic vasculitis CRP directly correlated with inflammation parameters and left atrium size, indirectly – with anemic syndrome. CRP level was dependent of GB condition, being the highest in groups with cholelithiasis and prior cholecystectomy.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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