Reproductive Health of Women of Doctors of Various Specialties
The objective: depression frequencies disturbances of reproductive genesial function, obstetric and perinatal complications at women of doctors of various specialties on a basis studying clinical, functional, psychological, endocrinologic, immunologic and microbiological features, and also development and introductions algorithm of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic actions.
Materials and methods. Researches were carried out to two stages: at 1 stage 150 women of doctors of various specialties aged from 26 till 35 years with length of service from 1 to 10 years were surveyed; at the 2nd stage of researches 150 pregnant women of doctors who were divided into 3 groups of comparison were surveyed. In a complex of the conducted researches were included clinical, ehografical, psychological, laboratory, dopplerometrical, cardiotokografical and statistical.
Results. Results of the conducted researches testify that women doctors of various specialties make group of high risk on development of various complications of pregnancy and labors, and also perinatal pathology. Use of medico-psychological preparation, since the pregravidarny period in combination with the family focused technologies allows to normalize the psychological status, to develop positive majorant on positive result of pregnancy and labors, to normalize a functional condition of a fetoplacental complex that leads to depression of frequency of obstetric and perinatal pathology at a delivery, and also allows to keep reproductive health of women of doctors of various specialties.
Conclusion. The received results allow to recommend advanced algorithm of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic actions in practical health care.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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