Age Features of Hemodynamic Parameters of Blood Flow Velocity of the Main Neck Arteries in Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Overweight


О. Д. Терсіна


The objective: the purpose is to determine the peculiarities of the influence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) / steatosis combined with overweight (OW) on the parameters of the blood flow velocity of the main neck arteries among different age groups.

Materials and methods. A total number of 290 patients were examined. Blood velocity data were compared in 150 patients with NAFLD and overweight and blood flow rates of 140 patients with normal body weight (NBW) without liver disease. The patients were divided into four age groups (according to WHO criteria): 1st age group from 25 to 34 years old, 2nd age group – 35–44 years old, 3rd age group – 45 to 59 years old, 4th age group – 60 to 75 years old. The data of the blood flow velocity of the main neck arteries, obtained with a complex duplex examination (color Doppler mapping / CDM mode and Doppler examination), were analyzed.

Results. The decrease of the rate of blood flow of the main neck arteries in the patients of all age groups was found compared to the control groups and the age difference between the groups was determined. A reliable correlation between OW and blood flow velocity (p<0,05), TCIM and blood flow velocity (p <0,05) was found in patients of the examined groups.

Conclusions. Changes in the rate of blood flow to the main neck arteries, revealed during a complex duplex examination, are the result of the effect of NAFLD (steatosis) and OW with significant (p<0,05) differences in all age groups.


How to Cite
Терсіна, О. Д. (2018). Age Features of Hemodynamic Parameters of Blood Flow Velocity of the Main Neck Arteries in Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Overweight. Family Medicine, (6), 39–42.
Author Biography

О. Д. Терсіна, Bogomolets National Medical University, Diagnostic Center «Modern Diagnostic Systems» LLC

Oksana D. Tersina,

Department of Internal Diseases at the Stomatological Faculty


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