The Prevalence of Major Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Elderly People with Coronary Heart Disease Who Died from Cardiovascular Disease and Prognostic Significance of These Indicators


В. Ю. Жарінова
Г. П. Войнаровська
І. С. Шаповаленко
В. О. Кузнєцова


The objective: to determine the prevalence of the main factors of CVD in the elderly who died of cardiovascular disease and to determine the predictive value of these indicators.

Materials and methods. A retrospective assessment of the history of the diseases of 454 patients with coronary heart disease, undergoing inpatient treatment in the cardiology department of the DF «Institute of Gerontology named after D.F. Chebotareva NAMNU» for the period from 1997–2017. All the patients were first hospitalized in the hospital and subsequently were observed with the main diagnosis of coronary heart disease: stable angina pectoris I–IV FK. And in the future it was observed for 5–20 years (average term of observation 10 years), until the end point. As a final point, cardiovascular death was taken.

Results. As a result of data analysis, it has been shown that the most common factors of cardiovascular death in patients with coronary artery disease over the age of 60 were hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia , and smoking. In the presence of a risk factor –smoking – significantly reduces the average age of death by 5 years, diabetes – for another 4 years. At the same time, the determining factors that influenced the life expectancy were LDL, glucose, heart rate, and also the level of SAT increase in patients with CHD associated with a decrease in life expectancy.

Conclusions.1. In patients with coronary artery disease over the age of 60 years, a simultaneous combination of three or more FR was found, indicating the need for an active integrated approach to their correction at a younger age. In the presence of a risk factor – smoking – significantly reduces the average age of death by 5 years, diabetes – for another 4 years.

2. The most common causes of cardiovascular death in patients with coronary artery disease over the age of 60 years were hypertension, diabetes , hypercholesterolemia, smoking, which are largely associated with the possibility of drug correction.

3. As a result of regression analysis, it has been shown that life expectancy has a significant impact on the life expectancy of LDL, glucose, heart rate, and the increase in SBP in patients with CHD associated with reduced life expectancy.


How to Cite
Жарінова, В. Ю., Войнаровська, Г. П., Шаповаленко, І. С., & Кузнєцова, В. О. (2018). The Prevalence of Major Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Elderly People with Coronary Heart Disease Who Died from Cardiovascular Disease and Prognostic Significance of These Indicators. Family Medicine, (6), 30–33.
Author Biographies

В. Ю. Жарінова, D.F. Chebotarev State Institute of Gerontology of the NAMS of Ukraine

Viktoriia Yu. Zharinova,

Department of Cardiology

Г. П. Войнаровська, D.F. Chebotarev State Institute of Gerontology of the NAMS of Ukraine

Halyna P. Voynarovskaya

І. С. Шаповаленко, D.F. Chebotarev State Institute of Gerontology of the NAMS of Ukraine

Iryna S. Shapovalenko

В. О. Кузнєцова, D.F. Chebotarev State Institute of Gerontology of the NAMS of Ukraine

Valentyna O. Kuznetsova


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