Features of Diagnostics and Prophylaxis of Fetal Distress in Women with Autonomicdisorders


Л. І. Воробей


The objective: to establish relationships between prenatal stress changes, autonomic disorders and the fetal distress development in pregnant women with perinatal losses in history.

Materials and methods. 214 pregnant women were examined. In the 104 pregnant women with perinatal a history of losses, the control group (group II) – 110 women without obstetric history. Study groups were identical in age, duration of pregnancy and parity of childbirth. To study the state of vegetative regulation was usedanalysis of cardiointervalography indicators. Assessment of adaptation reactions was carried out in terms of regulatory activity systems. To study the hemodynamic component of the system «mother–placenta–fetus» was performed by Doppler ultrasound.

Results. In the majority of women in control group (82.7%), the normal reactivity of both departments of the autonomic nervous system was noted. Autonomic reactivity in the main group was manifested as sympathotonia in 48.1% of women and hypersympathotonia in 34.6% of patients. The norm-adaptive state was detected in 90% of pregnant women of II group. In 50% of patients with complicated obstetric history a hypoadaptive state of regulatory systems was established. Symptoms of placental dysfunction occurred in 46.2% of pregnant women in group I and in 29.1% of control group patients. Ultrasound signs of fetal distress were found in 10.6% in I group and 2.7% in II group. At the same time, in 7.7% of the main group, fetal distress occurred in preterm pregnancy. In the control group preterm caesarian section due to fetal distress was perform in 0.9% of women.

Conclusions. In women with perinatal losses, an autonomic dysfunction, which is manifested by hypersympathotonia, and disorders of regulatory and adaptive mechanisms are installed, which lead to a functional reserves exhaustion. In pregnant women with perinatal losses a greater frequency of placental dysfunction with the hemodynamic disorders in the system of «mother–placenta–fetus» and fetal distress are observed due to established autonomic disorders.


How to Cite
Воробей, Л. І. (2018). Features of Diagnostics and Prophylaxis of Fetal Distress in Women with Autonomicdisorders. Family Medicine, (4), 105–109. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.4.2018.163172
Obstetrics and gynecology
Author Biography

Л. І. Воробей, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv City Center of Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine

Liudmyla I. Vorobey,

Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductology at the P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education


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