Autonomic and psychosomatic disorders in women during pregnancy
The article describes the subjective and objective signs of autonomic violations from the standpoint of neurological status and psychosomatic disorders.
The objective: is to improve the quality of autonomic dysfunction diagnosis in pregnant women by the results of the autonomic and psychosomatic state study.
Materials and methods. 487 pregnant women of all gestation periods registered in women’s consultations, in the Ivano-Frankivsk City Clinical Maternity Hospital and the Kyiv City Center of Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine were examined. The study design contained a full range of clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods.
Results. From all 487 examined women 172 (35,31%) pregnant had autonomic dysfunction. Depending on the changes in autonomic homeostasis and psychosomatic symptoms, autonomic dysfunction syndrome in 112 (22,99%) pregnant women and somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system in 60 (12,32%) pregnant women were diagnosed with available psychosomatic symptoms and functional changes of heart and vessels. Hypertonic form of autonomic dysfunction wasdiagnosed in 72 (41,86%) pregnant women, hypotonic – in 61 (35,46%) cases and cardiac type – in 39 (22,67%) patients. Pregnant women with SD ANShave an increased level of personal anxiety – 62,0±4,44 points, that was significantly higher than in the control group 22,0±2,88.
Conclusions. The conducted studies allowed to confirm a high percentage of autonomic disorders in pregnant women at different periods of gestation. The presence of autonomic imbalance during pregnancy can be considered as autonomic visceral dysfunction and psychosomatic pathology, which arises due to the suprasegmental autonomic structures regulatory violations. Pregnant women with autonomic dysfunction are characterized by an increased level of anxiety, which may be a risk factor for the perinatal complications.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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