The clinical course of chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis in the dynamics of treatment depending on the genotypes of M. tuberculosis
The objective: to determine the features of clinical-laboratory and radiological dynamics in patients with chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis depending on genotypes of M. tuberculosis during the intensive phase of treatment.
Materials and methods. In 135 patients with chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis were studied the clinical-laboratory and radiologocal dynamics depending on the genotypes of M. tuberculosis during the intensive phase of treatment. The patients were divided into two groups. Genotypes of M. Tuberculosis Beijing family (Beijing group) were found in 67,4% of patients, genotypes of the family LAM, Haarlem, Africanum and genotypes of individual profiles (non-Beijing group) were found in 32,6% of patients. Features of the clinical course dynamics of chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis were assessed by the dynamics of intoxication syndrome, closing of the lung parenchyma destruction and cessation of the bacterial excretion during the intensive phase of treatment.
Results. Among patients of theBeijing group compared with no-Beijing group the positive clinical and radiographic dynamics is observed much less frequently. At the same time in the group ofBeijing patients there are significantly fewer people with the cessation of bacterial excretion and cases of healing of the pulmonary parenchyma destruction and more patients with an intoxication syndrome.
Conclusion. Using of the VNTR molecular genetic method allows predicting the course and effectiveness of the treatment of chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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