Features of the etiology of chronic cough in a population of male smokers
The оbjective: determination of the etiological structure of long-term cough in male smokers.
Materials and methods. 73 men aged from 47 to 57 years with the symptom of a prolonged cough and the experience of smoking for 20–30 years were examined. Underwent clinical examination, spirometry with assessment of respiratory function, chest radiography, otolaryngologist’s consultation, esophagus manometry and RNZ monitoring, in the presence of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) performed endoscopy.
Results. Spirometry was instrumental in the early detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 30,1% of patients, and bronchial asthma (BA) in 10,9%. Cough of post-infection etiology was detected in 16,5% of patients. In 19,4% of the examined contingent GERD was diagnosed. Cough associated with the use of angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE inhibitors) inhibitors was registered in 6,8% of patients. 6,8% of those surveyed had a cough of mixed etiology. Postnasal drip as the cause of chronic cough was registered in 9,5%.
Conclusions. In men who smoke between the ages of 47 and 57, the most common cause of chronic cough is COPD (30,1%); BA is diagnosed in 10,9% of patients. In 19,4% of men who smoke the cause of cough is GERD, postinfection cough is observed in 16,5%. Standard spirometry in smokers is the most important diagnostic method that facilitates early diagnosis of COPD and asthma, as well as an additional method in differential diagnosis of GERD.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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