Clinical and Laboratory Efficacy and Safety of ValeVita Rinogel Spray and Nazo-Vit Use in Treatment of Children with Acute Postvirus Rhinosinusitis
The objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect, the overall and local tolerance of ValeVita Rinogel Spray and ValeVita Nazo-Vit in treatment of children with acute postvirus rhinosinusitis (APRS).
Materials and methods. The clinical study included 30 children (17 boys and 13 girls) who were on an outpatient treatment in ENT department of the city’s Children’s Clinical Hospital №1 in Kyiv. The age of patients ranged from 8 to 15 years old (mean age 11.5±0.5 years old). The main group of children (n=15) used ValeVita Rinogel Spray and ValeVita Nazo-Vit; the control group (n=15) used nasal decongestants (xylometazoline) and sodium chloride 0.9%. In children of both observed groups there were evaluated clinical symptoms of APRS, microbiological and cytomorphological studies of the nasal mucosa before and after the treatment.
Results. According to the analysis of rhinoscopic and endoscopic examination there was a more rapid regress of clinical symptoms of APRS in children of the main group compared with the control group. Cytomorphological study in the main group noted a significant decrease of inflammatory cells (eosinophils, neutrophil granulocytes, lymphocytes) in nasal mucosa of children with APRS during treatment period compared with children of the control group. Combined use of ValeVita Rinogel Spray and ValeVita Nazo-Vit in the main group promoted normalization of immune clearance of nasal mucous lining as manifested by decrease of pathogenic organisms compared with the control group. During observation time no complications, side effects associated with the use of ValeVita Rinogel Spray and ValeVita Nazo-Vit were noted in patients.
Conclusion. Combination of ValeVita Rinogel Spray and ValeVita Nazo-Vit is effective and safe in the treatment of acute postvirus rhinosinusitis in children 8-15 years old, does not cause local and general pathological changes, as evidenced by performed clinical and laboratory examination of patients.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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