Potential for etiotropic treatment of influenza


O. М. Зінчук
О. О. Зубач
Н. В. Марітчак
Г. С. Кульчицька-Костик
Т. І. Алексанян


The article presents data on the results of the use of Remavir and Furasol in the complex treatment of influenza patients.

The objective: was to study the efficacy of Remavir (remantadine hydrochloride) in influenza as etiotropic therapy, as well as to study the efficacy of using Furasol for local therapy of the oropharyngeal inflammatory process in influenza.

Materials and methods. Seventy-nine patients with a moderate-to-severe course of influenza who underwent in-patient treatment at the Lviv Oblast Infectious Clinical Hospital during the two epidemic seasons 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 were under observation. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 49 patients with influenza who received Remavir and Furasol as etiotropic therapy. The second group consisted of 30 patients with influenza, in the complex treatment of which conventional methods of pathogenetic therapy (antipyretic drugs, detoxification therapy) were used, without the use of etiotropic therapy and means for topical treatment of inflammatory phenomena of the oropharynx.

Results. In the first group, the manifestations of intoxication syndrome were reliably faster, the pain in the throat decreased reliably faster than in the second group. The changes in the immunological parameters of the patients of the first group, who received in the complex treatment of the Remavir flu, largely characterize the positive dynamics of cellular immunity and contribute to the successful completion of the infectious process.

The conclusion. In patients receiving complex treatment of Remavir, on the 5th–6th day of treatment, activation of the mechanisms of the «early» and «subliminal» immune-dependent inflammation, as well as the processes of Fas-dependent programmable apoptosis, was observed, which, in response to stimulation of other factors of cellular immunity, facilitated rapid disappearance symptoms, signs of intoxication and speedy recovery.


How to Cite
Зінчук O. М., Зубач, О. О., Марітчак, Н. В., Кульчицька-Костик, Г. С., & Алексанян, Т. І. (2018). Potential for etiotropic treatment of influenza. Family Medicine, (1), 13–19. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5112.1.2018.132712
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Author Biographies

O. М. Зінчук, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Oleksandr M. Zinchuk,

Department of infectious diseases

О. О. Зубач, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Olena O. Zubach,

Department of infectious diseases

Н. В. Марітчак, The Medical Center of Clinical Immunology and Allergology of Lviv Regional Clinical Diagnostic Center

Natalia V. Maritchak,

Immunology laboratory

Г. С. Кульчицька-Костик, The Medical Center of Clinical Immunology and Allergology of Lviv Regional Clinical Diagnostic Center

Hanna S. Kulchitskaya-Kostik,

Immunology laboratory

Т. І. Алексанян, Lviv Infectious Diseases Regional Clinical Hospital

Tamila I. Alexanyan,

Head of the Fourth Diagnostic Department


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