Modern organization and diagnostics aspects of pregnancy pathology in women with complicated obstetric hystory
The objective: the state of vegetative regulation of gestational homeostasis in pregnant women with perinatal losses in history and the effects of dysadaptational disorders in mother–placenta–fetus system on the frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications are examined in the article.
Materials and methods. 104 pregnant women with a history of perinatal losses were screened during the study. The vegetative status and activity of regulatory processes, the clinical course of gestation and labours were studied with the use of computer cardiointervalography. The endocrine and hemodynamic changes in the mother placenta fetus functional system were estimated.
Results. Cardiointervalography indicates an autonomous regulation disbalance with the sympathetic influenses increasing in pregnant women with perinatal losses in history, which may be a prerequisite for the gestational complications development. Systemic hemodynamics in pregnant women with complicated obstetric anamnesis is formed on the background of autonomic regulatory influences centralization, which confirmes by hemodynamic disorders in the mother placenta fetus system. An excessive increase of cortisol and catecholamines levels is noted in pregnant women with perinatal lossesin history. The clinical course of pregnancy and labours in women with neurovegetative changes is characterized by an complications frequency increasing.
Conclusions. The features of heart rate variability characterised by autonomic regulation violations are established. The role of adaptation and maladaptation mechanisms in the formation of complicated pregnancy in women with perinatal losses in history are assumed. The autonomic state investigation and stress hormones levels determining in pregnant women with complicated obstetric anamnesis could have a positive effect on gestational complications preventing and perinatal losses reducing.

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