Comparative clinical characteristics in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction in relation to gender status
The objective: to compere the main clinical characteristics and the structure of supporting pharmacotherapy in men and women with chronic heart failure (CHF) and reduce left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF).
Patients and methods: 356 patients with ischemic CHF and reduced LVEF < 40% were examined, including 259 (73%) men and 97 (27%) women. All patients were examined and treated according of recommendations to the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine with relevant recommendations to the European Society of Cardiology. The statistical data were calculated by Excel, Statistica, Stat Soft applica tion package. The type of distribution of the trait was determined by Lilliefors and Shapiro–Wilks criteria. The hypothesis about the reliability of differences in the values in the groups was tested by nonparametric Mann–Whitney criterion.
Results. In the group of patient with CHF and LVEF women in compare to men were characterized by older age, a little bit higher level of systolic blood pressure, a larger of the left ventricular ejection fraction. Women were more likely than men to present in higher NYHA class. There are more patients in women with hypertension and angina pectoris but fewer patients with atrial fibrillation and history myocardial infarction. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was frequently revealed in men, and the number of cases of type II diabetes mellitus was frequently confirmed in women. Renal dysfunction III IV degree prevailed in women than in men. Data on differences in the structure of treatment for men and women were obtained. Dose of в blockers was significantly higher in women than in men with the same number of their prescriptions. However, more often Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors were prescribed for men unlike women.
Conclusion. Groups of men and women with CHF and reduced LVEF differ in the course of the disease, attendant pathology and the structure of treatment, which can be used to develop recommendations for dispensary observation of such patients in the format of personalized medicine.

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