New approaches to definition of disability criteria in family doctor practice


Л. Ю. Науменко
І. С. Борисова
В. М. Березовський


Disability due to cardiovascular diseases in Ukraine continues to occupy the first rank in the structure of primary disability among adults (22,4%), and among the working age population (19,4%). Angina functional class is one of the leading clinical factors that determine the presence Disability CHD patients, causing a breach of the above criteria life (activity and participation). Based on current diagnostic criteria and classification approaches, differential diagnostic possibilities of using exercise testing and leading approaches to medical and social assessment to identify the main criteria of life that are violated in patients with coronary artery disease and demonstrate the tactics of the family doctor in the conditions necessary referral patients Signs of disability on the MSEC.

Due to coronary artery disease in the sick and the disabled, limitation of vital activity (activity and participation), which cause the formation of signs of disability, is formed. The main ones are: mobility ability (mobility); Ability to self serve and perform household activities; And the ability to perform tasks and activities that provide employment and economic independence. Functional class of angina is the leading clinical factor that determines the presence of life limitation in patients with coronary artery disease. Determining the severity of the syndrome of angina in patients with CHD and disabled by the conventional classification in the Commission decision on recognition MSEK disabled citizen requires documentary proof of the presence of signs of disability due to detection of violations of life. In this case, the main methods of objectification of these criteria are research methods, which confirm and objectify the FC with CHD. These are tests with physical activity (FN tolerance, threshold power, energy consumption, metabolic units); ECG fictitious prognostic criteria that were detected at a metered dose FN and the reaction of blood pressure on a metered dose FN. Conducting tests with FN mandatory study aimed at the patient (disabled) to ITU for objectification SS state system of the patient (disabled) for the detection of violations criteria for life – signs of disability in IBS.


How to Cite
Науменко, Л. Ю., Борисова, І. С., & Березовський, В. М. (2017). New approaches to definition of disability criteria in family doctor practice. Family Medicine, (4(72), 74–77.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Л. Ю. Науменко, ДЗ «Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України»

L.Yu. Naumenko

І. С. Борисова, ДЗ «Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України»

I.S. Borisova

В. М. Березовський, ДЗ «Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України»

V.N. Berezovsky


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