Grounding optimal choice of the drugs for the treatment of osteoarthritis with hyperuricemia
The objective: differentiated approach to the treatment of OA depending of presence of hyperuricemia.
Patients and methods. Was exanimated 176 patients (144 women, 32 men), aged (59,71±0,86) years with confirmed radiographic OA according to Kellgren and Lawrence scale. Division into groups was performed depending on treatment. For 14 days group 1 (n=30) had been received nimesulide 100 mg twice daily, and group 2 (n=30) – meloxicam 15 mg 1 time a day. For 6 months 3rd group (n=54) had been received diacerein 50 mg twice a day and the 4th group (n=32) – chondroitine sulfate (CS) 500 mg twice daily. 5th group (n=30) had been received glucosamine sulfate (GS) 400 mg 3 times per week for 1,5 months. Was estimated dynamics of VAS, WOMAC, Lequesne, uric acid (UA), CRP, IL-1β, ESR, biochemical indicators. Statistical analysis – SPSS Statistics.
Results. The article presents the current data on the combination of hyperuricemia and osteoarthritis. Was analyzed stage lesions by radiographic characteristics, clinical features articular syndrome in patients with osteoarthritis and hyperuricemia. The article presents the characteristics of the most common drugs in the treatment of osteoarthritis – NSAIDs (nimesulide, meloxicam) and symptomatic anti inflammatory drugs (including diacerein, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate). Was investigated efficacy by indicators of articular syndrome, such as VAS, indices Lequesne, WOMAC. As well as effects on uric acid levels and the opportunity of use in patients with hyper uricemia.
Conclusions. Was showed that nimesulide is more effective than meloxicam during first 14 days, and reduces IL 1, an important proinflammatory factor. The presence of hyperuricemia in 63,63% patients with OA, resulted in a more severe OA. Diacerein decreases UA, given an advantage in treatment these patients, which isn`t presented with CS (which increased the level of UA

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