Attenuation coefficient measurement as a method for following up of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus


Н. А. Марунчин
П. М. Боднар
О. Б. Динник
Л. С. Ковалеренко


Diabetes mellitus is the urgent problem of modern endocrinology. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the reasons of disability, invalidity, mortality of patients with diabetes and is characterized by excessive accumulation of liver fat due to insulin resistance and is determined by the presence of steatosis more than in 5% of hepatocytes. That’s why new noninvasive and economically affordable methods of diagnosis and following up patients with NAFLD have to be invented and implemented.

The objective: is diagnosis of specificity of NAFLD progression in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with the help of attenuation coefficient measurement (ACM).

Patients and methods. Investigation was conducted in Kyiv endocrine centre in 2015–2017. 105 patients have been followed up.  Simultaneous US was made all 105 patients on device Soneus P7 (Ultrasign, Ukraine) and included В-regime of abdominal cavity, dopplerography ( metry), strain and share wave elastofraphy (-metry), evaluation of hepatorenal index, steatography (-metry) with the help of ACM. Anthropometric data and biochemical data of venous blood were also conducted in these patients.

Results. There was found statistically significant correlation between ACM and the lipidogram, resistance to insulin, level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and anthropometric data (waist circumference (WC)), ratio WC/thigh circumference (TC)).

Conclusions. It was proved in our research that ACM can be used for diagnosis of NAFLD, control of its progression and following patients up due to the correlation of ACM with the data of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, inflammation of liver tissue and anthropometric data.


How to Cite
Марунчин, Н. А., Боднар, П. М., Динник, О. Б., & Ковалеренко, Л. С. (2017). Attenuation coefficient measurement as a method for following up of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Family Medicine, (3(71), 65–68.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

Н. А. Марунчин, «Національний медичний університет імені О.О. Богомольця», м. Київ

N. Marunchyn

П. М. Боднар, «Національний медичний університет імені О.О. Богомольця», м. Київ

P. Bodnar

О. Б. Динник, «Інститут фізіології імені О.О. Богомольця НАН України», м. Київ

О. Dynnyk

Л. С. Ковалеренко, Медичний центр «Doctor Vera», м. Київ

L. Kovalerenko


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