Continuing education as one of the priority methods of postgraduate study: prospects and problems of implementation in the family medicine
The article emphasizes the priority of continuing education in a family doctor’s professional development and training. Current issues of continuing education as a strategic and prospective direction in postgraduate education development are indicated. The attention is paid to the impact of continuing education on doctor’s professional development in terms of World Federation of Medical Education. The development of postgraduate education according to the concept of higher medical education in Ukraine and the National Doctrine is also determined. The basic trends of study in Europe and Ukraine, major development directions, prospects and problems of professional education for family doctors are presented. Characteristic features of continuing education, major means and ways of implementation within postgraduate education are indicated. The attention of the medical community is drawn to the issues of continuing education in Ukraine. The existing system of family doctor’s training at the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of Postgraduate Education as well as stages of organizational approach to the study of family doctors in the Carpathian region is analyzed.
Ways to overcome the problems and the approach of continuing education to international standards are determined. It has been concluded that knowledge gained during continuous postgraduate education and medical practice as well as increase in motivation for continuous renewal and mastering practical skills obtained with experience will be the foundation of successful family doctor’s practice and decisive fac tor in the development of family medicine in general. There are many unsolved issues on the way to improve the system of postgraduate professional education in Ukraine and the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine. Therefore, permanent search for new advanced methods of family doctors’ professional development with the involve ment of the latest teaching methods and advanced technologies taking into account healthcare system features in the country in general and in the Carpathian region in particular in the period of its reforming is necessary.

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