Management of patients of elderly age with acute bronchitis on the background of comorbid pathology
The objective: The goal of the study was to evaluate ergosterin and azithromycin administration clinical efficacy and safety in the treatment program of elderly patients with acute bronchitis and comorbid pathology.
Patients and methods. 36 patients (20 men and 16 women, mean age – 71,4±1,5 years) with acute bronchitis and comorbid pathology (diabetes mellitus type 2, chronic heart failure NYHA functional class III–IV, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis) were examined. Acute bronchitis reatment program included erdostein in the dose of 300 mg twice daily and azithromycin in the dose of 500 mg on the first day, followed by 250 mg from day 2 to day 5. Observation period of the dynamics of the condition lasted for 2 weeks. To evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy, an individual patient card was used, which included a daily score on the scale of such symptoms: shortness of breath, cough, the nature and amount of sputum, the consistency of sputum, general health.
Results. As a result of research not shown znachymыh It would set limitations Application for drugs. Provedennыy safety analysis allows us Set withdrawal of good safety profiles and эrdosteyna Treatment with azithromycin patsyentov pozhyloho age with komorbydnoy pathology.
Conclusion. Both physician and patients noted the reduction in the timing of reduction of such major symptoms as cough and dyspnea against the background of ongoing therapy. Also, on the background of therapy, attending physician and patients revealed significant improvement of the patients’ well being and life quality. The addition of ergosterin and azithromycin to therapy did not lead to any increase in the incidence of adverse events.

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