Determination of the neurological state of the patiens with spinal dyzrafiya in depending on the neural segmental level of destraction of the spinal cord
The objective: to determine the neurological status of patients with spinal dyzrafizm depending on the neuro segmental level of the spinal cord lesion.
Patients and methods. Treat analysis of 58 patients aged 5 to 18 years. Defined: function of cranio cerebral nerves, state of liquor system of the brain, muscle tone, tendon reflexes, sensitivity, muscle strength of upper and lower limbs, the ability to movement. To determine muscular strength and depth of paresis of the lower limbs used six point scale assessment of muscle strength by M. Weiss and L. McPeak, ability to move evaluated by Hoffer et al. classification
Result. In 11 patients were carried CSF shunt surgery during the first year of life, patients under the supervision of a neurosurgeon. In all patients was noted a decrease the muscle tone, tendon reflexes of the lower extremities and reducing surface sensitivity according to the level of injury. Upper limb muscle strength was not broken, in the lower limbs was reduced to 1–3 points. According to the functional muscle strength of the lower limbs and the actual degree of movement of all patients were divided into five functional groups.
Conclusion. Defining features of neurological manifestations in patients with consequences of spinal dyzrafizm facilitates timely neurological and orthopedic treatment, wich allows to improve the quality of life.

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