The risk of chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus in patients with arterial hypertension
The objective: the study of individual clinical demographic factors as the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and diabetes mellitus (DM) in 93 patients esentsiynu arterial hypertension (EAH) in general medical practice.
Patients and methods. Among the patients 49 (52.69%) men and 44 (47.31%) men, mean age 58,80 ± 9,60 years, disease duration from 4 to 25 years (average 15.2 ± 2 '68). At present 12 people with diabetes type 2 diabetes and CKD. All patients were complex research: general clinical, laboratory, instrumental and consult an ophthalmologist and neurologist.
Results. It was established that obesity is a marker that increases the risk of DM in patients with EAH in 1,54 times [OR=2,63; OR 95% CI=0,73–9,44; p>0.05]. Body mass index ≤ 24,9 kg/m2, hyperglycemia and alanine aminotransferase elevation in blood (ALT >0,68 mmol/h*ml) cause the risk of CKD increase in 2,45 times [OR=3,18; OR 95% CI=0,82–12,37; p>0,05], 5 times [OR=25,0; OR 95% CI=2,92–213,9; p=0,001] and 3,37 times [OR=4,56; OR 95% CI=1,12–18,59; p=0,045], respectively. Increased body weight and obesity did not affect the risk of CKD in patients with EAH.
Conclusion. The hypertension degrees are not associated with DM appearance in EAH patients, but EAH 3rd degree increases the CKD risk in 13,5 times [OR=16,0; OR 95% CI=1,33–192,8; p=0,043].

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