The treatment efficacy of comorbidity of hypertension and irritable bowel syndrome


В. І. Тарасова


The objective: is evaluation of the treatment efficacy of combination therapy with metoprolol and magnesium supplementation to control comorbidity of hypertension (HTN) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Patients and methods. Among 112 patients with HTN, IBS was existed in 52 patients. All patients were measured BP over time. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was performed to 30 patients. The concentration of ionized magnesium and calcium were studied in blood serum of 69 patients with HTN. As monotherapy or in combination with other antihypertensive agents metoprolol was used. The complex therapy of 69 patients included magnesium supplementation for 14 days. 43 HTN patients received standard treatment.

Results. There was a positive clinical, laboratory and instrumental dynamics in all patients with HTN. Normalized BP was documented by ABPM. Comorbidity of HTN and IBS is associated with a worsening of the current HTN, the worst response to therapy, which was confirmed by the dynamics of clinical BP and ABPM; and required a comprehensive approach with increasing scope and duration of the therapy. Adding magnesium agent to the treatment was accompanied by elimination of calcium and magnesium deficiency. Thus systolic BP in patients with HTN was lower than in patients with HTN and IBS.

Conclusions. Antihypertensive treatment with combination of magnesium supplementation coused to eliminating calcium and magnesium deficiency. Сorrection of hypomagnesemia and calcium magnesium ratio in patients with comorbidity of HTN and IBS must be long term.


How to Cite
Тарасова, В. І. (2017). The treatment efficacy of comorbidity of hypertension and irritable bowel syndrome. Family Medicine, (2(70), 37–39.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

В. І. Тарасова, Кафедра внутренней медицины Донецкого национального медицинского университета

V.І. Tarasova


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