Comparative aspects of current of pregnancy and labours at multipata pregnancy and the various reproductive anamnesis
Research objective: studying of comparative clinical aspects of current of pregnancy and labours at multipara pregnancy and the various reproductive anamnesis.
Material and research methods. Work is based on the analysis of results of pregnancy at 100 women with multipara pregnancy, which has come a natural way (50 women – control group) and after various methods auxiliary reproductive technologies (50 women – the basic group). 50 women with onepara pregnancy which has come a natural way has made comparison group.
Results of researches. Results of the spent researches testify that clinical the current of pregnancy and labours at multipara pregnancy depends on the reproductive anamnesis of women – a natural way or with use of auxiliary reproductive technologies. Higher frequency of all obstetrical complications – interruption threats, preeclampsia and placentary dysfunction in the latter case takes place. Under our data it is connected with presence of the burdened obstetrical-gynecologic anamnesis at these patients, especially with presence of high frequency of artificial and spontaneous interruption of pregnancy in early terms, gynecologic disease with operative methods of treatment, somatic disease endocrinological genesise.
Conclusion. The received results testifies to necessity of working out and introduction of the differentiated approach at conducting multipara pregnancy taking into account the reproductive anamnesis. It will allow, in our opinion, to lower frequency obstetrical and perinatal complications at women of group of high risk.

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