Condition of vegetative nervous system and central haemodynamics at women with repeated preeclampsia
Research objective: studying of features of condition of vegetative nervous system and the central haemodynamics at women with repeated preeclampsia.
Materials and methods: It has been spent complex clinical-functional inspection of 100 women, from which control group – 50 obstetrical and somatical healthy repeated labours, delivery through natural patrimonial ways; 1 group – 50 women with preeclampsia at the previous pregnancy. In a complex of the spent researches have been included clinical, ehografical, functional and statistical.
Results. Results of the spent researches testify that pregnancy and childbirth at women with preeclampsia in the anamnesis are connected with high risk of development obstetrical and perinatal pathologies. On our opinion, one of principal causes are infringements of vegetative nervous system and the central haemodynamics, which are owing to transferred preeclampsia preeclampsia.
The conclusion. Necessity of improvement of treatment1and1prophylactic actions and working out of new campaign to frequency decrease obstetrical and perinatal complications at women with repeated preeclampsia is scientifically proved.

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