Renal function deterioration factors in patients with arterial hypertension
The objective: to investigate the factors affecting renal function deterio ration in patients with essential hypertension.
Patients and methods. 52 patients at the age of (65,8±1,2) years with hypertensive nephropathy with glomerular filtration rate 65,8±1,2 ml/min were examined. The study was conducted at the basic state, after 3 and 12 months of treatment and after 12 months of outpatient treatment stage. All patients were examined as follows: blood pressure measurement and pulse pressure assessment, micro and macroalbuminuria, uric acid, creatinine, glomerular filtration rate were also investigated. As the antihypertensive therapy, losartan was administered at 100 mg per day.
Results. After 3 months of treatment with angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan a significant decrease in blood pressure and antihy pertensive effect increasing at 12 months were revealed. Against the background of treatment with losartan we noted positive dynamics of renal functional state. After 12 months of outpatient treatment, it was noted that the level of blood pressure in patients returned to the basic values as patients were treated inefficiently. |Blood pressure destabilization in patients was accompanied by a significant deterioration of renal function. By the end of the study it was noted that the factors influencing the progression of renal disease in patients with hypertensive nephropathy are – the initial renal function state, uric acid levels, and pulse pressure levels.
Conclusion. The use of angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan slows hypertensive renal damage progression and ineffective antihypertensive therapy led to leveling of the achieved renoprotective effect. The rate of renal function decreasing is associated with baseline eGFR and pulse pres sure levels.

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