Neuroprotective therapy among the patients with chronic cerebral ischemia
The purpose of the work is to estimate clinical efficiency of tiocetam among the patients with CCI as regards its influence on condition of cognitive functions due to the results of neuropsychological and neurophysiologic investigation of cognitive evoked potential (CEP) Р300.
Material and methods. It was examined 60 patients with DE of the І, ІІ and ІІІ stages (35 women and 25 men) at the age from 37 to 73 years (average age – 54,70±7,71 years) using neuropsychological, instrumental and statistic methods of examination.The patients were divided into 2 groups according to the scheme of treatment: basic group (n=30) and control group (n=30). Patients from the basic group due to the basic therapy used tiocetam in a dose 20,0 mL intravenous drop1by1drop during 10 days and then tiocetam1forte in a dose 400 mg 1 tablet three times per day during 30 days, patients from the control group were treated due to the clinical protocol but without tiocetam usage. The patients with DE of both basic and control groups were examined three times – at the beginning of the treatment, after 10 days and after 1 month.
Results. After a course of tiocetam usage among the patients with CCI it was significantly decreased the number of complaints as regards the decrease of working capacity (p=0,001), attention and memory focusing (р=0,003), rapid fatigability (р=0,003), giddiness (р=0,003) and staggering (р=0,004), headache (р=0,004), sleep disturbance (р=0,013), anxiety (р=0,023) and irritability (р=0,041). It was observed a significant improvement of cognitive functions and psycho-emotional state among the patients which complex treatment included tiocetam usage. Thus, total coefficient was increased statistically significant due to MOCA scale (р<0,001), battery of tests on frontal disfunction (р<0,01), Clock Drawing test (р<0,01), but decreased by the Beck’s depression scale (р<0,001) and Spielberg test (р<0,001). After tiocetam usage among the patients with CCI it was established a significant decrease of latent period of cognitive evoked potential Р300 due to Friedman (р): F3<0,0001; F4=0,003; Fz=0,008; C3<0,0001; C4=0,008; Cz=0,0002; P3=0,0003; P4=0,03; Pz=0,01.
Conclusions. The usage of neuroprotective drug such as Tiocetam among the patients with CCI significantly improved cognitive functions and psycho-emotional state of patients with CCI that was proved by the data of complex neuropsychological testing and had positive influence on the duration of latent period of CEP Р300 due to the result of neurophysiologic investigation.

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