Correction of the factors of cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes
The problem of correction of risk factors (RF) of cardiovascular dis ease (CVD), including such as C reactive protein (CRP) and uric acid (UA) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a particu larly topical issue of modern family medicine.
The aim of the study. To determine the efficacy and safety of atorvas tatin and losartan for the correction of CRP and UA in serum as a CVD risk factors in patients with T2DM.
Materials and methods. We have analyzed data of 112 patients with T2DM (52 women and 60 men, mean age 52.0 (48,0–59,8) years) with detection of RF of CVD. The dynamics of systolic blood pressure, blood biochemical parameters (lipidogram, high sensitivity CRP, UA) within 6 months was analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.
Results. In the study, patients were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 – 31 patients with dyslipidemia and CRP levels in the blood serum of more than 3,0 mg/L, for which was assigned atorvastatin 10–20 mg per day, Group 2 – 20 patients with hypertension and levels of serum UA more than 300,0 mmol/L, for which was assigned losartan 100 mg per day. After 6 months revealed: receiving atorvastatin accompanied by decreasing of CRP levels on average by 33,0% and 64,5% of patients reached CRP levels less than 3,0 mg/L, and receiving losartan accom panied by decreasing of the level of serum UA on average by 29,0% and 60,0% of patients reached a level UA in serum of less than 300 mmol/L.
Conclusions. Due to its pleiotropic effects, atorvastatin reduces the amount of CRP and losartan – uric acid in the serum of patients with T2DM. The above mentioned requires further study in the order to improve.

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