Features of the course and treatment of hypertension in combination with chronic ischemic heart disease in patients with gastroesophagel reflux disease
The analysis of epidemiological data shows that the prevalence of GERD in Ukraine is 11.1. Prevalence of GERD increases with the age of respondents, which leads to changes in the structure of clinical disease and dominance of extraesophageal manifestations of disease.
Purpose of the work. The goal was to explore the features of arterial hypertension (AH) combined with chronic coronary heart disease (CHD) in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Establish a connection presence of gastroesophageal reflux with possible clinical manifestations of coronary heart disease (аrrhythmias, and ischemic episodes according to the daily monitoring of ECG, chest pain) and blood pressure and its lability.
Materials and methods. As part of the fragment study examined 50 patients with hypertension I–II art. combined with chronic ischemic heart disease. Methods of examination: anthropometric, вiochemical blood tests, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, Holter ECG, upper endoscopy, echocardiography, test GerdQ.
Results. Comorbidity of hypertension and chronic coronary artery disease and GERD is associated with a greater frequency of abdominal type of obesity and metabolic syndrome, which increases the level of cardiovascular risk in patients with GERD. The presence of GERD in patients with hypertension with chronic ischemic heart disease causes an increase in the frequency and severity of arrhythmias. Patients on the background of GERD more common atrial fibrillation. When concomitant GERD in patients with coronary artery disease was significantly greater frequency and duration of ischemic episodes. Comorbidity with GERD worsens hypertension, characterized by high levels of SBP and DBP at night and high variability in SBP and DBP during the day.
Conclusion. The presence of GERD in patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease is associated with more severe manifestations of the underlying disease and can therefore be regarded as complicating IBS- and AG-factor.

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