The new going is near diagnostics and treatment of food allergy
In the articles resulted these researches of efficiency of antihistaminic preparations are in diagnostics and treatment of food allergy at presence of minor and major allergen specific components. There is an algorithm of diagnostics of food allergy is taking the history, implementation of skin prik1tests, determination of specific IgE, molecular diagnostics of allergy (method of ImmunoCAP® Phadia). By means of molecular diagnostics differential diagnostics of food allergy comes true to the main components of allergens of meal and cross allergy between pollen of plants and meal, by the squirrel of animals and meal and т.і. This is important for the possible setting of specific immunotherapy in case of cross allergy with pollen of plants. At presence of most major allergens allergen specific immunotherapy is shown at the use of antihistaminic preparations. At presence of most minor allergens contraindicated realization of allergen specific immunotherapy and it is recommended antihistaminic therapy is only certain only. For reduction of used for setting fire allergic process for patients from FА we recommend corresponding treatment as with the diagnosed major allergens (allergen specific immunotherapy is in a complex with Phencarol and Gistafen) and minor allergens (Phencarol and Gistafen).

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