The General Practitioners/Family Doctor’s Role in the Management of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (Clinical Lecture)


Susanna Tykhonova
Viktoriia Yablonska
Olena Khyzhnyak
Kateryna Nefidova


Clinical lecture contains modern scientific data on etiology, pathogenesis and classification of chronic kidney disease. Given the risk factors for development and progression, clinical features and diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. According to the statements of evidence-based medicine disclosed the current strategy of early reno – and cardiovascular protection, treatment of different stages of chronic kidney disease. The article focuses on the role of family doctor in primary and secondary prevention of this disease.


How to Cite
Tykhonova, S., Yablonska, V., Khyzhnyak, O., & Nefidova, K. (2016). The General Practitioners/Family Doctor’s Role in the Management of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (Clinical Lecture). Family Medicine, (6), 138–143.
Clinical lecture
Author Biographies

Susanna Tykhonova, Odessa National Medical University

Susanna A. Tykhonova,

Department of Internal Medicine No 2

Viktoriia Yablonska, Odessa National Medical University

Viktoriia B. Yablonska,

Department of Internal Medicine No 2

Olena Khyzhnyak, Odessa National Medical University

Olena V. Khyzhnyak,

Department of Internal Medicine No 2

Kateryna Nefidova, Odessa National Medical University

Kateryna O. Nefidova,

Department of Internal Medicine No 2


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