The Study of the Effect of Low Doses of Androgens on the Ovarian Reserve, Biochemical and Hormonal Parameters


Г. В. Стрелко


The objective: justification of the use of low doses of androgens in women with a reduced ovarian reserve. Study of the safety and effectiveness of their use in laboratory experiments involving laboratory animals.

Materials and methods. Specific efficacy has been investigated in repeated doses of Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) for 90 days in female Wistar rats. The drug was administered in therapeutic and triple therapeutic doses. Biochemical and hormonal indices were studied. A histological examination of female ovaries after a treatment cycle was also conducted.

Results. There were no significant changes in haematological parameters when using a therapeutic and three-fold dose; none of them exceeded the norm, which indicates the safety of prescribing drugs and the absence of adverse effects on hematological parameters. In the study of biochemical parameters of peripheral blood, one can notice a slight increase in glucose, creatinine and alkaline phosphatase levels in the group that used a three-dose dose, and, nevertheless, they did not go beyond the norm. Morphological and histological changes in ovaries of rats indicate an increase in the number of follicles at all stages of development; the effect was dose-depending.

Conclusion. Thus, the use of therapeutic doses of the drug can be considered completely safe. The results of the study may be useful in the development of therapeutic approaches in women with a reduced ovarian reserve.


How to Cite
Стрелко, Г. В. (2018). The Study of the Effect of Low Doses of Androgens on the Ovarian Reserve, Biochemical and Hormonal Parameters. Family Medicine, (6), 91–95.
Obstetrics and gynecology
Author Biography

Г. В. Стрелко, Medical Center «IVMED»

Halyna V. Strelko


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