Foundation of algorithm of medical and psychological support of adolescents with primary arterial hypertension


О. М. Місюра
М. В. Хайтович
Н. М. Кухта
Л. І. Місюра
С. Д. Максименко


The objective: of this work was to identify the frequency of increased anxiety, depression and alexithymia in adolescents with primary hypertension and to develop an algorithm for their medical and psychological support.

Materials and methods. 91 children (21 girls and 70 boys) aged 10 to 17 y.o. (on average 14,65±1,52 y.o.) were examined. Diagnosis was verified by 24-hour blood pressure monitoring using monitors ABM-04 (Meditech,Hungary). Two groups were formed: I – 60 adolescents (11 girls and 49 boys) with stable and labile arterial hypertension and II – 31 adolescents (10 girls and 21 boys) – control group. Psychological study included identification of state and trait anxiety by Spielberger-Khanin test, alexithymia – using Toronto Alexithymia Scale, depression – by Zung Self-Rating depression scale.

Results. Moderate statr anxiety was noted in 50%, and high – in 28.6% adolescents with primary  hypertension; moderate and high trait anxiety respectively in 59,8% and 35,7%; alexithymia and risk of alexithymia – respectively in 21,4% and 31%, depression only 2,4%. On average, these emotional characteristisc did not differ from those of the control group. Taking into account the given and results of previous researches, the algorithm of medical and psychological support of adolescents with primary hypertension was developed and introduced.

Conclusion. In the majority of adolescents with primary hypertension, there is anxiety and/or high anxiety that requires psychological correction.


How to Cite
Місюра, О. М., Хайтович, М. В., Кухта, Н. М., Місюра, Л. І., & Максименко, С. Д. (2018). Foundation of algorithm of medical and psychological support of adolescents with primary arterial hypertension. Family Medicine, (3), 36–39.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

О. М. Місюра, Bogomolets National Medical University

Oleksii M. Misiura,

Department of General and Medical Psychology

М. В. Хайтович, Bogomolets National Medical University

Mykola V. Khaitovych,

Head of Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy

Н. М. Кухта, Kyiv Children's Clinical Hospital №6

Nataliia M. Kuchtа,

Head of Division of Cardioreumatology

Л. І. Місюра, Kyiv Children's Clinical Hospital №6

Larysa I. Misiura

С. Д. Максименко, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Serhii D. Maksimenko,

Director of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


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